Uremic poisoning refers to a condition of the blood caused by failure of the kidneys to perform their functions of removing waste products. Waste products build up in the blood to toxic levels, potentially affecting other organs of the body and, in extreme cases, leading to death. Uremic poisoning is also known as uremia or azotemia. It is sometimes used to refer to the entire complex of symptoms and complications
renal failure due to acute or chronic kidney disease, food poisoning, or any other cause of renal damage. Literally, the term indicates that urine is entering the bloodstream rather than being excreted, as was thought to be the case by doctors in the 19th century.

We know today that this is not the case; rather, toxic waste products are not entering the urine in the first place, and no urine is actually entering the blood. However, the term has persisted in use. The primary waste chemicals that accumulate in conditions of uremic poisoning are blood urea nitrogen (BUN) and creatinine, together with mineral solutes (calcium, sodium, potassium, etc.). While these are all present in the blood in some amounts in people who have healthy, functioning kidneys, they accumulate to excess concentrations due to renal failure, leading to uremic poisoning.

Effect On The Brain And Nervous System

Drowsiness and sleepiness are a common symptom of uremic poisoning. As toxins accumulate, other neurological effects often occur, including impaired thinking, inability to concentrate, memory impairment, and personality changes. Muscle cramps and other problems with the motor nervous system may also develop. As renal failure becomes more severe, patients can become confused and disoriented, suffer from slurred speech, undergo seizures, and eventually fall into a coma and die.

Effect On The Digestive System

A very common symptom of uremic poisoning is loss of appetite leading to malnutrition and weight loss. Nausea and vomiting occur as the symptoms worsen. Protein deficiency may occur. Inflamed intestines are sometimes a complication, along with ulcers and internal bleeding, inflammation of the gums, and sores in the mouth. Malnutrition leads to other problems and can worsen the overall symmptoms of uremic poisoning itself.

Effect On The Cardio-Vascular System

Uremic poisoning can cause inflammation of tissues connected with the heart, either the heart muscle itself or the lining of the heart, leading to symptoms of heart disease (palpitations, shortness of breath, angina, congestive heart failure). Hardening of the arteries is accelerated by uremic poisoning. The lungs may become congested with fluid due to heart difficulties, and the lungs themselves may become inflamed, leading to difficulty breathing, chronic cough, and shortness of breath.

Other Symptoms

The skin may become discolored and an itch may develop. Sometimes a rash occurs with small, red, itchy bumps. These symptoms result from calcium deposits in the skin due to excessive calcium in the bloodstream as the kidneys fail to remove it from the body.

The body’s calcium/phosphorus balance is upset by uremic poisoning. This can result in chronic bone pain, fragile or thin bones that are more easily broken, and the formation of cysts or of non-cancerous bone tumors. Anemia is a further complication. The formation of white blood cells may be decreased and the immune system compromised as a result.


Treatment for uremic poisoning may consist only of symtpomatic treatment for any of the above or other complications, if a doctor concludes that the damage to the renal function is short-term and self-reversing.

If symptoms are more severe or if renal function is chronically impaired, dialysis may be used to remove toxins and wastes from theĀ  bloodstream. In the case of irreversible renal damage and kidney failure, a kidney transplant may be in order, with dialysis used until a donor organ becomes available.