Kidney Diet Secrets ReviewAlthough many of these conditions are caused by either a genetic predisposition or damage that has been done to the kidneys by medication, in many other cases the problem is caused by a lack of exercise or poor diet. When this is the case, there is a good chance that the situation is reversible, and this is one of the points of Rachelle Gordon’s Kidney Diet book. After years of researching and accumulating information on renal failure, she realized that adjustments to diet and lifestyle for those who are at risk for kidney disease can reverse its progress, perhaps even prevent it from actually materializing.

Rachelle Gordon is a registered nurse who has worked with kidney patients for over ten years. After witnessing firsthand the pain and misery that kidney disease can cause, she used her considerable research and writing skills along with her nutritional and health background to put together one of the most comprehensive methods available to slow down and even reverse kidney disease and its affects. Her program, called Kidney Diet Secrets, has helped patients with kidney problems ranging from kidney stones to chronic kidney failure to help a more normal, more fulfilling life by adjusting their diets.

Kidney Disease

Kidney disease takes its toll on millions of people every day. When symptoms such as muscle cramping, nausea and vomiting, protein in the urine and fatigue appear, they are often the sign of an existing or impending kidney problem.

Diet Secrets

To that end she begins her Kidney Diet Secrets program with ten prevention tips, including getting more exercising and reducing salt and fat intake. This common sense approach can prevent you from having to pay untold money to doctors, for medication, and possibly on dialysis or surgery.

To hammer the point home even further, she then goes on to explain the various causes and conditions that can affect the renal system; she also points out that medical science has known for over 100 years that changes in nutrition and implementing a renal diet have an immediate and profound impact on the course of renal illness.

Does It Work?

Kidney disease can take many forms, ranging from renal calculi (kidney stones) to chronic kidney failure. In all cases, acting at the first sign of symptoms can prevent the disease from getting to a more critical stage, and that is where the Rachelle Gordon Kidney Diet Secret program is most useful. Not only has she taken advantage of her experience and exposure to hundreds of kidney patients, she has also used her wealth of nutritional education to assemble this guide, and rather than taking a lecturing tone, she patiently explains the impact of the different macronutrients on the kidney’s function, particularly the negative impact that protein can have.

Rachelle’s program emphasizes the need to know your current protein intake, as well as to adjust to maintaining a low-protein diet, limited to no more than 25 grams of the right kind of protein per day in order to have a positive impact on your kidney health and reverse kidney failure’s path.


Following the renal diet provided in Rachelle Gordon’s Kidney Diet Secrets is not simple; it involves a change in lifelong habits that may be hard to break. However, in the face of certainly progressing renal disease, it offers a lifeline that has proven successful for many. ThisĀ  program is supported by medical science and years of research, and represents an amalgam of information that has been being used by nephrology doctors for many years.