Though many people mistake other pains in their back for kidney pain, the diagnosis of true kidney pain is always cause for concern, as there are only a few possible causes. Pain in the kidneys can be caused by an infection of the kidney (also known as nephritis), kidney stones, or a condition in which the kidney is swollen with internal sacs of fluid – this condition is known as polycystic kidney. All three are serious causes for concern that require medical attention.


The first step in identifying and treating kidney pain is to be aware of the location of the kidneys so that you can be sure that the pain is actually emanating from these important organs. The kidneys are located below the rib cage, with one on each side of the spine just above the highest point of the pelvis. Because there are so many organs and vulnerable muscle groups in the area, it is a good idea to look for other symptoms that generally accompany kidney problems or are symptoms of kidney failure when diagnosing the pain as coming from the kidneys. These other symptoms would include fever, urinary symptoms such as cloudy urine or blood in the urine, a change in the frequency of urination, or stomach pain.


When kidney pain arises, it is very important to determine its exact cause so that immediate treatment can be administered. The kidneys are very important organs that are responsible for filtering out impurities, so any problem emanating from them cannot be ignored, particularly if they are causing discomfort.

One of the causes may be a urinary tract infection; these usually make themselves known lower down in the urinary tract, and once they rise to the level of the kidney and cause kidney pain, they can be very serious. Another variation of this is called pyelonephritis. Both need to be treated immediately with high dose antibiotics.

Another common cause of kidney pain is kidney stones, also known as renal calculi. Although the pain from kidney stones generally is not felt in the actual kidney and instead makes itself known once it starts its passage through the urinary tract, it can occasionally be felt within the kidney itself.

Finally, kidney pain can be caused by polycystic kidney disease. This is a genetic disease that leads to fluid-filled sacs filling the kidneys. Polycystic kidney disease can eventually lead to kidney failure, so it is very important to seek medical attention if it is suspected.

Left Side

Pain that comes from the kidney is usually felt as sharp and stabbing, where a dull ache located in the kidney area is usually caused by a muscle strain. The pain caused by each of the three kidney ailments differs slightly.

Kidney pain caused by renal calculi, or kidney stones, usually arises when the stones have left the kidney and started traveling along with the urine through the urinary tract. When this condition makes itself known by actual pain in the kidney, it is because a stone has blocked the passage of urine, and things are backing up all the way to the kidney itself. The pain normally appears on the left side of the back, but it can be present on either side, and is often accompanied by nausea or vomiting in severe cases.

Kidney pain caused by infection usually makes the patient very sensitive to touch in the area; it is accompanied by fever as well as nausea and vomiting. Finally, when kidney pain is dull, it comes from polycystic kidney, or sometimes a tumor in the kidney.